
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

9 advices to protect face skin

9 advices to protect face skin
Sun rays, water, face cleaning, masks ... You often heard of many skin recommendations but it won't hurt to repeat them once more. Most of the time, one forgets the advices relating to his skin health. Following are some recommendations presented to you by Gaby, the Manager at Mohamed Al Sagheer's beauty center to restore your skin's youth.
It is important to use creams to protect our skin from sun rays. Getting frequently exposed to the sun hurts our skin, breaks their cells and makes them look pale. It also makes the color of our face looks different than the rest of our body skin. Sun speeds up the formation of face wrinkles, furthermore, sensitive skin are more likely to grow pimples and boils. Sun block creams does not only block the harmful sun rays but they also block the pollution. Sun blocks should be applied approximately half an hour before heading outdoors.

Drinking water is very vital for the skin as it cleans it from toxins; it makes our skin both cleaner and clearer and it delays the formation of wrinkles. The body needs 2 to 3 liters of water daily and drinking water keeps our skin youthful for a longer time. This is a simple and free treatment.
Nutrition is as beneficial to the skin as it is to the rest of our body organs. Skin reflects the inside of your body and that is why you should eat more fruits and vegetables and reduce fats so as not to exceed 15% of your daily diet. Add nuts to your diet, especially almonds as they include healthy oils, but those with oily skin should eat small amounts.

It is very important to wash the face regularly no matter what skin type is as it cleans it from fats and dust. The face can be washed with soap but it is preferable to use liquid face cleansers as they are gentler on the skin. Skin can also be cleaned with cotton and rose water and oily skin should be wiped with iced cotton after washing the face as this tightens the pores. The most important thing is to use a moisturizing cream after washing the face to replace the lost natural oils.

Oily skins need more attention and steam cleaning monthly at a specialist to get rid of the blackheads and to clean the pores. Also exfoliating is important to the skin can be done with bran by wetting the hands with water, dipping them in bran and gently massaging the skin then wash the face with warm water.
There are many natural elements that could be used for face masks, the best recommended is a mask that is made of one egg, some honey and olive oil and this mask is suitable for all skin types. As for oily skin, it is preferable to use a mask made of egg whites, orange juice and olive oil.

To keep using specific brands of cosmetic products does not hurt the skin but people always look for change, renewal and experimenting. It will not hurt to try a product that proved suitable for you and after a period of 16 months either go back to use the old brands or use another brand. If you were this type of person, it is preferable to change brands twice a year or every 6 months.

Different creams are suitable for each skin type. These creams are good in hiding droopy skin, black eye contours and wrinkles. Some of these creams are considered temporary treatments for these problems and hide their effects.

The colors used for the mornings differ from those used at night. It is recommended to use light colors in the mornings such as white, beige, pink and to use light and glossy lip sticks. It is not recommended to use blushers, face powder or foundation creams but only use sun protection creams. For the night, it is preferable to use dark colors, also, narrow eyes need light colors while the wide eyes need dark ones to reveal their beauty.


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