
Friday, March 26, 2010

Beauty blunders - the mistakes we all make

two girls with too much makeup Beauty blunders are common makeup, fashion or hair mistakes that set an individual apart in a negative way. We all make them; sometimes every single day. As long as we are happy with how we look, in the long run, that is all that really counts. But for the rest of us who would prefer to avoid those little blunders that set us apart, here are some of the most common.

Lipstick that is too dark

There are certain shades of lipstick that are chosen each season as the shade to wear. Unfortunately, not every shade of lipstick is suitable for every woman, particularly if they are overtly dark in color. It might be because of the woman's age, or it might have more to do with her skin tone. It could clash with the colors she has in her wardrobe. Whatever the reason might be, sometimes a popular dark lipstick color just can't be worn by everyone.
It is important to keep in mind that beauty trends are guidelines and not absolutes, so only choose lipstick colors that compliment your complexion, coloring, and wardrobe. You want to stand out positively - because you look beautiful - not because of the color of your lipstick.

The wrong hair color

We have all seen it happen - a woman with gorgeous raven tresses decides to go platinum blonde. Sometime it works but sometimes the results are disastrous. Just because "blondes have more fun" or "redheads are sexier" isn't a good reason to change the color of your hair. Hair color should be an extension of who you are as a woman, not a response to some popular new fashion.
Avoid making drastic hair changes right off the bat. Instead, buy a wig in the color you think you want to go and wear it for a while, then ask yourself how it makes you feel. Do you still feel like yourself? Does it give you more confidence or make you fade away? How does it look with your makeup colors and with your fashion choices?
Even if you are set on coloring, never make an immediate drastic change. Go one or two shades darker at a time until you reach the color that screams "I am woman, hear me roar!" Sometimes a woman really is a blonde just waiting to get out. Other times, she is exactly who she was meant to be all along. Hair color should enhance your personality and make you feel better about yourself. It should never define you!

Being too trendy

Let's face it. Not all women can wear Boho chic or whatever else the trend might be. It simply isn't who we are, and if we try to buy into the fad of the moment, we won't likely feel any better about ourselves. In fact, we may end up feeling worse.
Fashion trends are fun but that doesn't mean you have to change your entire wardrobe. Instead of broom skirts and peasant blouses, try a bohemian handbag or a cute pair of Boho shoes. That way you can take part in the fashion of the moment without completely changing who you really are.
The rule of thumb should be this: stick with fashion "must haves" for your basic wardrobe. Add trendy pieces in your accessories or even in a piece or two of fashion. There is no need to go overboard; your money can be better spent another way and you will have pieces that can adapt to new trends as they come along.
Check back in the future for more "Beauty Blunders: The Mistakes We All Make."Author: Charlotte Kuchinsky March 14 2010


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